

A typescript utility library to help with formatting and stuff like that.

Getting started

npm install @bamotf/utils


import { ... } from '@bamotf/utils';



format(locale: string, opts: FormatOpts): string
format(opts: FormatOpts): string

Formats a currency amount visually.

  • locale (optional): The locale to use for formatting. Defaults to 'en-US'.
  • opts: The formatting options.
    • amount: The amount to be formatted (as a bigint).
    • currency: The currency code.

Returns the formatted currency amount as a string.


getFractionDigits(currency: CurrencyCode): { minimumFractionDigits: number, maximumFractionDigits: number }

Returns the minimum and maximum fraction digits for a given currency.

  • currency: The currency code.

Returns an object with the following properties:

  • minimumFractionDigits: The minimum number of fraction digits.
  • maximumFractionDigits: The maximum number of fraction digits.


fractionate(opts: { amount: bigint, currency: CurrencyCode }): number

Converts a bigint amount to a fractionated number based on the currency decimal places.

  • opts: The conversion options.
    • amount: The amount to be converted (as a bigint).
    • currency: The currency code.


removeFraction(opts: { amount: number, currency: CurrencyCode }): bigint

Convert the given amount to a bigint based on the currency decimal places.

  • opts: The conversion options.
    • amount: The amount of satoshis to be converted (as a bigint).
    • currency: The currency code.